A while back I posted a video talking about my personal reasons why I stopped using Notion and started to use Craft Docs instead. After that, I received a lot of nice comments, and many were interested in learning more about Craft and wanted to see more screenshots of how I use it and how I set it up. Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable sharing my personal setup because it’s … personal. But to help, I created this “First Steps in Craft Docs” tutorial.

We are going to cover:

  • How to create a new workspace
  • How to set up folders and documents
  • How to add content
  • How to export/share your content with others
  • How to stay organized (Index pages, backlinks)

Maybe this video can help you decide if switching from another notetaking app like Evernote, Remnote, Roam Research, or Notion is worth it for you.