Do you hate it as much as I do? Being at home all the time, not being able to travel. Don’t get me wrong. If it helps protect vulnerable groups and the elderly, I’m all in for helping out by staying home. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

One of the remedies I’ve found for my cabin fever is travel podcasts.

If you live in a warm country, plug in some headphones, sit in the sun, and close your eyes while listening to a good travel podcast. Then it’s almost like you’re there.

Or, in my case, sitting in front of a fan heater. Because it’s winter and it’s freezing outside. That also helps to get you in the mood. If you try this, though, make sure you put a good moisturizer on your face because the fan heater dries out your skin in seconds.

But, back to my point, listening to travel podcasts helps me a lot. I love hearing about other people’s adventures and the lessons they’ve learned. It inspires me to plan my next trips and get excited about the possibilities once the world returns to normal.

Today, I want to share my three favorite podcasts with you.

If you have any tips, please post them in the comments. I’m always looking for new suggestions.

Wild Ideas Worth Living

Wild Ideas Worth Living is one of my absolute favorite travel podcasts, and I’ve been listening to it almost since day one. The show is hosted by Shelby Stanger, an avid outdoor enthusiast. She interviews explorers, outdoor lovers, and other interesting people about their adventures and how they turn their wild ideas into reality.

I wanted to give you a suggestion for an episode to start with, but honestly, it was hard to pick only one. Listen to the episode with Eric Wolfinger – How to Become a World-Class Food Travel Photographer. But don’t stop there and listen to all the others too!

Amateur Traveler

The Amateur Traveler Podcast is a fantastic resource for travel tips and destination stories. There are more than 700 episodes to choose from, so wherever you dream of traveling, chances are you’ll find a podcast episode to match.

I also love his Amateur Travel Manifesto.

An episode to listen to would be #733: Travel to Fernando do Noronha, Brazil. This island can only be visited by 500 tourists a day and has been on my bucket list for years. And although I travel to Brazil regularly, I’ve never made it there.

JUMP with Traveling Jackie

Traveling Jackie is a true role model for all of us who want to travel full time. While she has traveled most of her life, she went completely nomadic in 2015. And in her podcast, she shares many of her experiences and interviews interesting people.

When we as Austrians do long-distance hiking, it’s usually from hut to hut. That’s also the only way because camping is not allowed. So Episode 188 – Hut-to-hut long-distance hikes around the world gave me a lot of ideas.

Fight cabin fever with travel podcasts

I hope you find some podcasts you like. I know it’s not as good as being in exciting places and experiencing them for yourself, but at least it’s better than nothing.

Do you have any recommendations? What are your favorite travel podcasts that you listen to while in lockdown?